All Aboard Cardano | ANET Stake Pool
Live Pool Stats Courtesy of's Cardano API Stats Cache Last Updated: 12:05:10 PM EST
We're aiming to educate those new to Cardano, by providing written guidance to ease entry, and help enhance the adoption experience.
We are located in Rockville, on a fiber-optic uplink, with high performance capacities, redundancies, and ~100% uptime.
Hopefully, you feel our 100k ₳da pledge is substantial enough to demonstrate our commitment to our (single) pool, and the Cardano ecosystem.
We plan to maintain the minimum epoch fee of 170, and up to a 2.5% variable fee - and we don't foresee a change to those values.
We contribute to Cardano's Mithril protocol with our Signer nodes and their associated Mithril relays on both the MainNet and TestNet networks.
The premise of our infrastructure is centered around efficient energy use, but with high-performance capacity, and thus runs on 10th Gen. Intel CPU's. learn more
With well over 50 years of combined professional IT experience, we're confident you'll find our pool's operation is rock-solid, as is our dedication.
In addition to our MainNet core and relay nodes, we also contribute to the Cardano TestNet with a similar setup - and will continue doing so.